Can An Injury Lawyer In Kitchener Protect You From Deceptions of Insurance Adjusters?

The insurance companies hire adjusters to investigate the veracity of each claim. Hence, an insurance adjuster will contact you after filing a claim for compensation for an insured party’s negligence or recklessness. However, insurance adjusters do not just investigate the veracity of a claim. Their primary objective is to minimize the sum of compensatory damage as much as possible, as they are employed by the insurance companies and try to ensure their profit. The insurance adjusters are known to use deceptive measures to accomplish their mission. Hence, it is essential to retain the service of an experienced injury lawyer in Kitchener if you want to protect your legal rights and outmaneuver an insurance adjuster.

An insurance adjuster may ask for your social-security number and may tell you that this information is necessary in order to start the process of settling a claim. In reality, the insurance companies do not need claimants’ social security numbers in order to settle a claim. This is a deceptive measure. An insurance adjuster can check the background of a claimant after having the social-security number. The information found through this background analysis may be used in order to reduce the sum of compensatory damage. Thus, it is important to consult with an injury lawyer in Kitchener before filing a claim for compensation. An experienced attorney can protect you from deceptions of insurance adjusters.

After filing a claim with the at-fault party’s insurer, you are likely to receive a phone-call from an insurance adjuster. An adjuster may want to talk to you regarding the accident as well as the injuries and losses resulting from it. An adjuster may want to record your statement. It is important not to give any recorded statement in absence of a personal injury lawyer in Kitchener, as a lawyer can identify the tricky questions and can guide a claimant judiciously. The law allows a claimant to refuse to be recorded when talking to an insurance adjuster. It is prudent to let your lawyer talk to the insurance adjuster to avoid making mistakes.

An insurance adjuster may ask you to settle a claim within a deadline which is another trick. The right time to file a claim for compensation is after reaching MMI. It enables you to realize the effect of your injuries on the physical and emotional wellbeing. A personal injury lawyer in Kitchener will not even calculate the sum of compensatory damage before a claimant reaches MMI. Hence, it is essential not to settle a claim within a deadline.

An insurance adjuster may ask you to sign a release form before settling a claim. It is important to remember that you are not under any obligation to release medical records to a defendant’s insurer. An insurer can access your past and current medical records if you sign a release form. Hence, it is important not to sign anything without consulting with an injury lawyer in Kitchener. For more information visit Our Website