How A Personal Injury Lawyer of Kitchener Helps People Who Are Being Spied Upon By Insurance Companies

Did you know insurance agencies have a reputation for using private investigators to spy on their clients? They do so to deny personal injury claims. Anyone with a pending injury claim must watch out for their insurance company’s investigators. Why do they do it? When injured people seek compensation either via personal injury cases or via workers’ compensation claims, the extent of their injury or disability and their genuine physical limitations are all relevant factors for determining how much compensation the insurance company owes them. Some insurance agencies even resort to using private investigators. Here’s how a Personal Injury Lawyer of Kitchener can help plaintiffs who feel their insurance agencies are unfairly persecuting them.

Why Use Private Investigators?

In many instances, the injured parties have been caught lying about the extent of their physical limitations after the incident. For instance, a victim of a trip and fall accident may claim his legs are temporarily disabled. Then, the injured party may be spotted watering his flowers in the garden while using his feet. That’s why insurance companies don’t accept their clients’ words. No matter how much evidence is presented (medical records, physicians’ notes, etc.), these agencies investigate the victims’ complaints, which according to them, are ‘subjective.’ Insurance companies want to profit by amassing premiums on the thousands of insurance policies they create every year. From their perspectives, injury claims are deductions to these profits. So, to challenge a client’s claim for compensation, they collect evidence using private investigators.

The Role of Private Investigators

Every Personal Injury Lawyer of Kitchener will advise his or her client to lay low after filing a claim with their insurance company. Why? Because insurance companies have to follow certain legal standards of impartiality. They cannot deny claims unceremoniously. Private investigators surveil the injured party on behalf of these companies, hoping to get evidence to undermine the injury claim. Any evidence collected in these investigations can be used as leverage by the insurance company to pay less than what their client is demanding. Investigators follow the injured person, park near their home, picture or video-shoot them running errands, and essentially summarize their day to day activities. Using this evidence, insurance companies contradict what the plaintiffs have to say about the extent of the injures. Modern-day private investigators also examine the injured party’s online presence.

What Should Plaintiffs Do?

Insurance companies don’t hire private investigators to examine every injury claim. They only do so when they feel the claimant isn’t being honest. So, you must stick to the facts about the injury. Your Personal Injury Lawyer of Kitchener will prevent you from oversharing or exaggerating any details. Always follow the physician’s guidelines and ‘lay low’ for a while.

How Attorneys Help

A Personal Injury Lawyer of Kitchener will inform you about your privacy rights and examine whether the investigators have done anything illegal to obtain evidence against you. They’ll use cutting-edge techniques to clarify and authenticate your physical limitations and damages. They’ll also reduce the surveillance footage’s influence on the case using expert testimony and uncompromising advocacy. For more information visit Our Website